Nataliia Kasianenko


Nataliia Kasianenko

Assistant Professor– Department of Political Science at California State University, Fresno 

Dr. Kasianenko interned in three different offices as a Maddy intern.  In the Fall of 2010 in the Fresno office of Congressman George Radanovich, in the Spring of 2011 in the Fresno office of State Sen. Tom Berryhill and, finally, in the Sacramento office of Assemblymember David Valadao during the Summer of 2012. 

“I am grateful to the Maddy Institute for the internship opportunities that helped me learn beyond the classroom, gain valuable experience, and expand my professional network. The Maddy Institute is making a tremendous investment into the future of the Valley”

Dr. Kasianenko received her Master degree in International Relations from California State University, Fresno and then her Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Nevada, Reno. Her research focuses on Comparative Politics and International Relations, with an emphasis on nationalism, identity politics, and human rights in the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. 

Her research primarily revolves around top-down and bottom-up elements of nationalism. Specifically, she explores how political elites may intentionally intensify nationalism to gain legitimacy or advance to power, while also focusing on how and why the notions of national identity change on the individual level.