
February 9, 2017

Political Stories-Top stories This California Republican takes a daring stand on overhauling immigration – California Republican Rep. David Valadao of Hanford is pushing for an immigration overhaul, placing himself in the middle of the very issue that’s ripping both parties apart. Through public statements, legislation and now an earnestly worded plea to President Donald Trump, Valadao […]


February 7, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories If Trump does try to take away California’s federal dollars, he faces a rough time — Serious legal, political and practical obstacles impede President Donald Trump’s threat to withhold federal funds from the state of California or its cities if they declare themselves sanctuaries for immigrants. Not that that will stop the […]


February 6, 2017

Political Stories Top stories Trump’s stormy start doesn’t rattle San Joaquin Valley — President Trump’s first actions in the White House, from ordering up a border wall and banning refugees to fixating on crowd sizes and attacking “Saturday Night Live” on Twitter, have drawn howls of protest across much of California. But here in the state’s […]


February 3, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: Jerry Brown, legislators headed for budget clash? – A major factor in whether the budget conflict escalates into a toe-to-toe showdown is a multibillion-dollar disagreement on projected revenues. While Brown’s Department of Finance sees flattening revenues that fall short of fully financing current services and programs, the Legislature’s budget analyst, […]


January 31, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories  Democrats target 7 congressional seats held by California Republicans for 2018 midterm elections — The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has released a list of top targets looking ahead to the 2018 elections, and California’s Republican delegation is a big part of it. Of the 61 Republicans Democrats are looking to unseat nationwide, […]


January 30, 2017

Political Stories Top stories Trump abandons tough stand on green card holders in face of court challenges – The Trump administration took a step back late Sunday from its sweeping temporary ban on immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries, issuing a clarification that the order does not apply to green card holders “absent the receipt of significant derogatory […]


January 27, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Dispute over border wall plunges U.S. into crisis with Mexico, as Mexican president scraps White House visit — One of America’s most important strategic relationships plunged to a new low Thursday when an escalating dispute over a proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border prompted Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to cancel a planned visit […]


January 26, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories A campaign promise fulfilled: Trump orders Mexico wall construction to begin – President Donald Trump took a significant step toward carrying out his signature – and most controversial – campaign promise Wednesday, ordering the construction of a wall along the southwest border. In a pair of executive orders, Trump also ordered an […]


January 25, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Jerry Brown: ‘California is not turning back. Not now, not ever’ — Gov. Jerry Brown, plunging into position as a Democratic bulwark against Donald Trump’s presidency, warned Tuesday of looming battles with Republican-controlled Washington, using his State of the State address to assuage fears that California would turn its back on progressive […]


January 24, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Trump’s cancellation of Pacific trade deal could hurt California — President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations could drag down exports from Silicon Valley and California’s farm belt, trade experts said Monday. Sacramento Bee article; McClatchy Newspapers article; ‘Valley farmers disappointed with Trump pulling out of Trans-Pacific Partnership’ in Fresno […]