
February 21, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: It’s high time to legislate about times of our lives — The adults who run schools seemingly are more interested in their convenience than the well-being of their young charges. So will the state intervene with Portantino’s Senate Bill 328? It’s high time that it did, but only time will tell. Walters column […]


February 20, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: Once again, poll finds voters are ignorant on budget — It’s been said that ignorance is bliss. If that’s true, California voters must be an especially happy group, because their ignorance of state finances is massive and pervasive. Walters column in Sacramento Bee Trump’s proposal would deport more immigrants immediately – Federal […]


February 19, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories A Trump ally in Congress warns his state, California, to make nice – Mr. McCarthy left no doubt that his loyalties in this fight were east of the Mississippi River. He assailed California’s Democratic leaders for provoking the president, and warned that it could prove damaging to the state, particularly as the […]


February 18, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories California legislation would create single-payer health care system – A push for a single-payer health care system in California is making a comeback. State Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens (Los Angeles County) plans to introduce legislation Friday to create a single system that would provide health insurance to every California resident. San Francisco Chronicle […]


February 17, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: Rendon tires of Trump talk, while de Leon keeps ranting — As Rendon was signaling that he wants to attend to California’s matters, his counterpart in the Senate, President Pro Tem Kevin de León went on another rant, this time about repealing a federal regulation affecting his pet program. De […]


February 16, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Nunes’ defense of ex-national security adviser raises his profile – and ire against him – Congressman Devin Nunes, the Republican from Tulare whose national profile has been rising as chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, is suddenly facing a firestorm of controversy in Washington, D.C., unlike anything he has […]


February 14, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories California farmers hope Congress and Trump team can deliver irrigation drain deal — The political terrain appears favorable for a mega-million-dollar irrigation drainage deal, with Congress still fully in Republican hands and California’s sprawling Westlands Water District with influential allies. But there are complications. One is a legal cloud over a neighboring water […]


February 13, 2017

Political Stories-Top stories George Skelton: California lawmakers are stuck on Trump, but there’s a problem at home that needs attention: dirty water — While President Trump and his California resistors dominate the spotlight, a little outfit without much pizazz is trying to draw state government’s attention to sickening drinking water in the San Joaquin Valley. Skelton column in LA […]


February 12, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: Regulators in Sacramento and Washington need oversight — What is happening in both capitals demonstrates that very often the real-world impact of legislation is determined more by its implementing rules than its presumed intent. Presidents and governors, being political animals, take expansive views of their rule-making authority, and some oversight […]


February 10, 2017

Political Stories Top stories Appeals court rejection leaves Trump travel ban on hold — The legal fight over President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations is on hold after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declined to block a lower-court ruling that suspended the ban, allowing previously barred travelers to continue […]