
July 25, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Dan Walters: Would extending California income tax hikes cause rich to leave? — Would making higher rates at least semi-permanent do what the temporary taxes apparently did not do – spur the wealthy to flee California in serious numbers? It’s a question that no one can answer – yet. Walters column in Sacramento […]


July 24, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Dan Walters: Politicians ignore long-term effects as they seek instant payoff – Michael Fitzgerald laid Stockton’s budget-busting library decision on Mayor Anthony Silva, who is facing a tough re-election this year. “We have had enough talk and heard enough excuses,” Silva said as he pushed for reopening the library. “It’s time to move […]


July 23, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  As California Democrats party in Philly, state’s head teacher poised to lead Golden State — In a chain of events straight out of an episode of “The West Wing,” State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson is poised to take the helm as acting governor at some point in the next week […]


July 22, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  FPPC approves regulation change aimed at ‘shadow lobbyists’ – California’s political watchdog approved a regulatory change Thursday aimed at encouraging shadow lobbyists to disclose their efforts to influence legislation. Sacramento Bee article  Campaign cash: A journey through the Cal-Access labyrinth — When California introduced its Cal-Access campaign finance website, “There was nothing like it […]


July 21, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Valadao addresses concerns about Trump, absence from GOP convention — Kevin McCarthy, the House majority leader from Bakersfield, took a turn at the podium Tuesday in Cleveland, addressing the Republican National Convention as an unabashed supporter of the newly minted nominee, Donald J. Trump. David Valadao, McCarthy’s congressional neighbor to the immediate […]


July 20, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Kevin McCarthy heavy on House GOP agenda, lighter on Trump — House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy used a Tuesday night speech at the Republican National Convention to condemn government bailouts and handouts and reminisce about Ronald Reagan’s shining city upon the hill. Sacramento Bee article; LA Times article  Proposition 53: A battle over debt […]


July 19, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Valley congressmen in competitive races flex fundraising muscle – As the fall campaign season prepares to kick into high gear, incumbents in the central San Joaquin Valley’s two competitive congressional districts are in a commanding financial positions. Hanford Republican David Valadao, the 21st Congressional District incumbent, and Fresno Democrat Jim Costa, the […]


July 18, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Large majorities on both sides of southwestern border oppose a wall, poll finds — Large majorities of Americans and Mexicans living in cities along the U.S.-Mexico border oppose building a wall dividing the two countries, rejecting the proposal that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has made a cornerstone of his campaign, […]


July 17, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Dan Walters: Is rape a violent crime? AG Kamala Harris offers two definitions — Attorney General Kamala Harris recently released her annual report on crime, revealing that in 2015, violent crimes jumped 10 percent from the previous year. Digging into the voluminous report’s appendix reveals the dozens of specific assaults in the Penal Code […]


July 16, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Valley Republicans divided on whether to attend GOP convention — GOP lawmakers from the Central Valley are split on whether to attend the Republican National Convention as presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump continues to divide members of the party months after his last opponent conceded. Rep. David Valadao, R-Hanford, has decided to […]