
October 10, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Dan Walters: Two county redistricting reform bills move in opposite directions — Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 1108 on Sept. 28, allowing counties and cities without charters to appoint independent commissions to adjust the boundaries of governing board districts after every federal census. Walters column in Sacramento Bee If Prop 55 passes, the state budget […]


October 9, 2016

Political Stories Top stories   John Myers: Political Roadmap: Don’t expect big changes if Democrats win a Sacramento supermajority on Nov. 8 –Let’s play out the “what if” game: What could Democrats do with a supermajority of seats in the Legislature? In truth, it’s probably more bragging rights than brawn. Myers in LA Times Dan Walters: Election will test California voters’ attitudes on new bonded debt — we Californians have placed […]


October 8, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Environmental nuisance or grocery-store necessity? California voters to decide fate of plastic bags – Two years ago, Gov. Jerry Brown foreshadowed the beginning of the end for plastic bags in California. “We’re the first to ban these bags, and we won’t be the last,” Brown wrote as he signed Senate Bill 270, outlawing […]


October 7, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Ballot admission price: $48 million — It’s like a poker game: If you want to play, you have to ante up. And this year, the ante for Nov. 8 was nearly $48 million. That’s how much the rival interests for 15 initiatives paid to get on the ballot. Capitol Weekly article Barely half of illegal […]


October 6, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  More Californians than ever registered to vote Nov. 8 — California had more than 18.25 million people registered to vote as of early last month, the most in state history, election officials announced Wednesday. The total is certain to rise by the Oct. 24 registration deadline for next month’s election, amid a presidential race and […]


October 5, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Democrats deploying Donald Trump as weapon against Rep. Jeff Denham and House GOP — Democrats are turning to Donald Trump as they try to topple Rep. Jeff Denham, R-Turlock, from his San Joaquin Valley congressional perch. In a newly unveiled 30-second ad, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee characterize Denham as “Trump’s man […]


October 4, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: Gov. Jerry Brown, in his 14th year as governor, hits a new high with vetoes — In his 14th year as governor, Brown appeared to be a little more impatient with legislators. This year, he vetoed a higher proportion of measures they sent to his desk, 159 of 1,059, or 15.01 […]


October 3, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Dan Walters: California sees sharp increase in crime, fueling political debate — When California’s crime rates, both violent and nonviolent, spike much higher than national trends, we should legitimately wonder whether releasing tens of thousands of criminals who otherwise would have been behind bars is having a negative effect. Orinda’s residents certainly […]


October 2, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Dan Walters: Medical care now California’s largest industry, dwarfing all others — Four of the 17 measures on the Nov. 8 state ballot relate directly to financing Californians’ health care, and collectively they would have tens of billions of dollars in impact. Walters column in Sacramento Bee Why opponents of increasing the tobacco tax […]