
October 28, 2016

Political Stories Top stories   Jerry Brown stepping up campaign against measure on Delta water tunnels — Gov. Jerry Brown, keeping a somewhat low profile throughout the fall campaign, stars in a new TV ad debuting Thursday in which he urges Californians to oppose Proposition 53, arguing it will constrict local control, increase the cost […]


October 27, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Harris widens lead; marijuana legalization, cigarette tax ahead in PPIC poll – Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and U.S. Senate candidate Kamala Harris have widened their leads in California, according to a new poll that also finds strong support for a proposed cigarette tax, an income tax on high earners and the legalization of marijuana in […]


October 26, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  500,000 Californians register to vote in two days, set record — More than 18.7 million Californians have registered to vote in the Nov. 8 presidential election, a state record. Secretary of State Alex Padilla announced Tuesday that 500,000 people enrolled for the first time or updated their information in the final […]


October 25, 2016

Political Stories Top stories CD 10: Last-minute fundraising and spending spikes in Jeff Denham-Michael Eggman race — The ongoing fundraising and spending in the 10th Congressional District race underscores the seriousness of the race. Through all of 2016, records compiled by the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics show, the DCCC has spent $2.1 million supporting […]


October 24, 2016

Political Stories Top stories George Skelton: If California voters approve stronger gun control, the message sent at the ballot box will be head across the U.S. — Proposition 63 would enact the toughest gun controls in the United States. But it also would do something else: represent an astonishing historical milestone. And if passed as expected, the […]


October 23, 2016

Political Stories Top stories ‘Trump factor’ inspires Latino, Asian voters, but will they vote in local elections? — Experts say the representation gap hasn’t narrowed enough to fully mitigate the disparity between older white voters and, essentially, everyone else. But in a place like the central San Joaquin Valley, where the majority of residents are people […]


October 22, 2016

Political Stories Top stories California voters returning ballots in big numbers, election officials say — Election officials around the state say that mail ballot returns are running higher than usual for a presidential election. Explanations include the overall increase in the number of Californians receiving mail ballots and interest in the high-octane presidential contest. They also cite […]


October 21, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories CD 21: Valadao, Huerta face off in debate — Rep. David Valadao, R-Hanford, and Democratic challenger Emilio Huerta clashed sharply over water, air quality, immigration and political attack ads during their Thursday evening debate hosted by KGET-TV 17. The pair, vying for the 21st Congressional District seat, displayed different styles during the […]


October 20, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  CD 21: Observers: Valadao ad a critical tactical move — Congressman David Valadao’s new attack ad churned up a lot of talk in political circles, including speculation about why his team flew the piece so close to Election Day. Bakersfield Californian article  Why business groups aren’t fighting California’s tobacco and income […]


October 19, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Gov. Brown, allies spend millions to kill measure that could doom high-speed rail, Delta projects — With less than three weeks until Election Day, Gov. Jerry Brown and his political allies are suddenly pumping money into the campaign to defeat Proposition 53, a previously low-profile measure that could be the death knell […]