
November 6, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Massive ballot, important issues await – will voters take part? — Election Day is Tuesday, and for many weary voters, it can’t come soon enough.  California and its 55 electoral votes, however, are all but certain to go to Clinton, who is widely predicted to win the state by a comfortable margin. […]


November 5, 2016

Political Stories Top stories CD 21: After months of irrelevancy, cash jolts keep rocking the race – What a difference a few weeks makes. The 21st Congressional District – which covers all of Kings and parts of Kern, Tulare and Fresno counties – has gone from the back burner to the front burner, from forgotten castoff […]


November 4, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories CD 21: Court documents refute claims in Valadao attack ad — Congressman David Valadao’s newest attack ad against Democratic challenger Emilio Huerta paints him as a chainsaw-wielding madman who used intimidation to try to take a woman’s land and water well. The problem: several of the ad’s claims are false, according to […]


November 3, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories San Joaquin Valley congressional races attract big bucks and big names — The politically ambitious daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney has joined the fray in two increasingly expensive San Joaquin Valley congressional races. Amid a flurry of last minute fundraising, Reps. Jeff Denham, R-Turlock, and David Valadao, R-Hanford, both reported […]


November 2, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Dan Walters: Some sneaky borrowing in billions of bonds up for voter OK — Next week’s ballot carries not only a $9 billion state bond issue for schools, but about 200 local bond measures totaling more than $30 billion, also mostly for schools. While voters are told that the bonds would finance much-needed capital […]


November 1, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories CD 10: Conservative group spends $3.5 million on Central Valley race once considered safe — The Congressional Leadership Fund is pouring another $1.5 million into the race between Rep. Jeff Denham and Democrat farmer Michael Eggman.  LA Times article (scroll to item) The tobacco tax campaign has reached $106 million.  But this time something’s different — Unlike those previous […]


October 31, 2016

Political Stories Top stories CD 10: This GOP congressional race may turn out to be a prime example of GOP’s worst fears — With Donald Trump as the deeply divisive Republican nominee for president and no Republican running for the state’s open U.S. Senate seat, those same observers are now wondering if keeping a GOP House member in […]


October 30, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Dan Walters: As California turns left, conservatives’ culture war victories are being erased — The 21st century has seen a leftward shift in the state’s politics – in some measure a reaction to the political right’s impressive string of wins two decades ago – and this year’s election is a referendum on […]


October 29, 2016

Political Stories Top stories CD 21: Is Huerta making late bid to take out Valadao? — This week, for the first time in months, the National Republican Congressional Committeetook note of Emilio Huerta, the Bakersfield Democrat who is trying to unseat incumbent 21st Congressional District Republican David Valadao. That for the most part is more national attention than Huerta […]