
November 25, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: California’s workers’ compensation overhaul saved bigger bucks — The highly respected Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau, or WCIRB, conducted a comprehensive study of a major overhaul of the system enacted by Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature four years ago. And it found that it did what it was supposed to do […]


November 24, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories George Skelton: Post-election, California Democrats still dominate and GOP has nowhere to go but up —  The California Democratic and Republican parties both can be thankful this holiday. Democrats rule the roost in Sacramento. And Republicans can’t fall much lower. Democrats are in a prime position to soon start slipping off their perch. And the state GOP, […]


November 23, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories California special session to end without new transportation funding – California’s special legislative session on transportation funding will come to a close without a deal to finance billions of dollars in repairs to the state’s crumbling roads and highways.  Sacramento Bee article; LA Times article Valley leaders join immigration-reform effort as way to grow […]


November 22, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: Lame-duck legislative session to raise transportation funds fades — For weeks, key officials, their staffs and stakeholders have noodled around with bringing the Legislature back to Sacramento for a post-election session on financing much-needed upgrades to highways, local streets and transit systems. However, with just days remaining, officially, in the […]


November 21, 2016

Political Stories –Top stories Where California and Trump could clash over the next four (or more) years — The state’s overwhelmingly Democratic politicians are already publicly rebuking Trump, setting California up to become the center of dissent and legal challenges to his agenda over the next four (or more) years. Here are six key areas that could produce […]


November 20, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: Could California succeed if it became a nation? — The political, legal and financial impediments are immense. Would, for instance, a hostile U.S. government be willing to sign over all of its vast property holdings, from trackless deserts to dams and jewels such as Yosemite, without charging us countless billions […]


November 19, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Trump promised California farmers more water. Can he deliver? — Battles over California’s water supply have been waged for decades. Legal experts say Trump’s vow to redraw the state’s water map won’t be fulfilled quickly or easily, even with Republicans controlling both the White House and Congress. Any efforts to direct more […]


November 18, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: Pelosi, McCarthy personify divide of cities and nation – It would be difficult to name two California cities more culturally, economically and, of course, politically disparate than San Francisco and Bakersfield – just 300 miles apart but in different existential orbits. As it happens, the majority and minority floor leaders […]


November 17, 2016

Political Stories Top stories California analyst projects $2.8 billion budget surplus — California’s nonpartisan legislative analyst said Wednesday he’s forecasting a $2.8 billion budget surplus next year and says California should be able to weather a mild recession without major budget cuts or tax increases over the next four years. AP article; Sacramento Bee article Cal State will […]