
January 24, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Trump’s cancellation of Pacific trade deal could hurt California — President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations could drag down exports from Silicon Valley and California’s farm belt, trade experts said Monday. Sacramento Bee article; McClatchy Newspapers article; ‘Valley farmers disappointed with Trump pulling out of Trans-Pacific Partnership’ in Fresno […]


January 23, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: Feel-good efforts won’t solve California’s housing crisis — Two new documents – a report by the state housing agency and Gov. Jerry Brown’s 2017-18 budget – focus harsh economic reality on fanciful political “solutions” to the state’s severe housing crisis. Walters column in Sacramento Bee Trump’s judicial picks will affect far more than the Supreme […]


January 22, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories John Myers: Voters have placed a lot of California’s budget choices on autopilot — Here’s a simple rule of thumb worth keeping in mind about how California’s budget is crafted: Not all tax dollars are created equal.  Now more than ever, voters have decided that billions of those dollars should make their way […]


January 21, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Trump inauguration speech stirred strong feelings among Californians in Congress – Democratic members of California’s congressional delegation reacted with a mix of defiance and resignation to Donald Trump’s inauguration on Friday, as the nation’s largest state prepares to deal with a president that it overwhelmingly rejected in the election. Californians in the Congressional […]


January 20, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Rural, conservative California will have more power under Trump — Two politically powerful Californians who have gotten to know Donald Trump say liberals shouldn’t fear him. They promise that Trump behaves a lot differently than the bullying, blustery presence he cuts when he’s before the public. “He’s really a nice guy when […]


January 19, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Fearing Trump, California drops undocumented health insurance request — California has withdrawn its request to the federal government for permission to allow undocumented people to obtain health insurance from the state exchange, with a lawmaker linking the decision to concerns about the incoming Trump administration. Sacramento Bee article; LA Times article Have climate change […]


January 18, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories In lawmakers’ first hearing on state budget, Gov. Jerry Brown’s staff gets grilled on $1.5-billion mistake — Gov. Jerry Brown’s budget team offered a seemingly simple explanation on Tuesday for an almost $1.5-billion accounting error in California’s healthcare program for the poor. LA Times article Trump vs. California: How the battle will be waged — California […]


January 17, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories In California, Democratic politicians’ plans rest on Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s future — As top California Democrats plot their future career moves, a critical piece of information is missing: Will Sen. Dianne Feinstein seek reelection? Speculation about the 83-year-old senator’s plans took on new urgency this year, as ambitious statewide politicians decide whether to run for governor […]


January 16, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories George Skelton: California’s bail system punishes the poor, and it’s time for the government to do something about it — It’s a recurring nightmare: You get busted, perhaps for drunk driving and causing an injury accident, or maybe on a bum rap. You’re jailed and can’t make bail. You’re shoved behind bars […]