
February 3, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: Jerry Brown, legislators headed for budget clash? – A major factor in whether the budget conflict escalates into a toe-to-toe showdown is a multibillion-dollar disagreement on projected revenues. While Brown’s Department of Finance sees flattening revenues that fall short of fully financing current services and programs, the Legislature’s budget analyst, […]


February 2, 2017

Political Stories Top stories  Spending on California 2016 ballot measures hit record — Campaigns for and against the 17 measures on California’s fall ballot spent nearly a half-billion dollars, the most ever for a single election in California, according to campaign disclosure filings this week. Sacramento Bee article  People from all around California are heading to […]


February 1, 2017

Political Stories Top stories  Trump nominates Neil Gorsuch to Supreme Court – President Donald Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to the United States Supreme Court Tuesday, elevating a eloquent and staunchly conservative appellate judge to fill the seat vacated by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia last year. McClatchy Newspapers article; New York Times article; LA […]


January 31, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories  Democrats target 7 congressional seats held by California Republicans for 2018 midterm elections — The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has released a list of top targets looking ahead to the 2018 elections, and California’s Republican delegation is a big part of it. Of the 61 Republicans Democrats are looking to unseat nationwide, […]


January 30, 2017

Political Stories Top stories Trump abandons tough stand on green card holders in face of court challenges – The Trump administration took a step back late Sunday from its sweeping temporary ban on immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries, issuing a clarification that the order does not apply to green card holders “absent the receipt of significant derogatory […]


January 27, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Dispute over border wall plunges U.S. into crisis with Mexico, as Mexican president scraps White House visit — One of America’s most important strategic relationships plunged to a new low Thursday when an escalating dispute over a proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border prompted Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to cancel a planned visit […]


January 26, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories A campaign promise fulfilled: Trump orders Mexico wall construction to begin – President Donald Trump took a significant step toward carrying out his signature – and most controversial – campaign promise Wednesday, ordering the construction of a wall along the southwest border. In a pair of executive orders, Trump also ordered an […]


January 25, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Jerry Brown: ‘California is not turning back. Not now, not ever’ — Gov. Jerry Brown, plunging into position as a Democratic bulwark against Donald Trump’s presidency, warned Tuesday of looming battles with Republican-controlled Washington, using his State of the State address to assuage fears that California would turn its back on progressive […]