
February 14, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories California farmers hope Congress and Trump team can deliver irrigation drain deal — The political terrain appears favorable for a mega-million-dollar irrigation drainage deal, with Congress still fully in Republican hands and California’s sprawling Westlands Water District with influential allies. But there are complications. One is a legal cloud over a neighboring water […]


February 13, 2017

Political Stories-Top stories George Skelton: California lawmakers are stuck on Trump, but there’s a problem at home that needs attention: dirty water — While President Trump and his California resistors dominate the spotlight, a little outfit without much pizazz is trying to draw state government’s attention to sickening drinking water in the San Joaquin Valley. Skelton column in LA […]


February 12, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: Regulators in Sacramento and Washington need oversight — What is happening in both capitals demonstrates that very often the real-world impact of legislation is determined more by its implementing rules than its presumed intent. Presidents and governors, being political animals, take expansive views of their rule-making authority, and some oversight […]


February 10, 2017

Political Stories Top stories Appeals court rejection leaves Trump travel ban on hold — The legal fight over President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations is on hold after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declined to block a lower-court ruling that suspended the ban, allowing previously barred travelers to continue […]


February 9, 2017

Political Stories-Top stories This California Republican takes a daring stand on overhauling immigration – California Republican Rep. David Valadao of Hanford is pushing for an immigration overhaul, placing himself in the middle of the very issue that’s ripping both parties apart. Through public statements, legislation and now an earnestly worded plea to President Donald Trump, Valadao […]


February 8, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories After fierce arguments, appeals court to decide next step for Trump’s travel ban — A top Justice Department lawyer argued strongly Tuesday that President Trump’s executive order limiting travel temporarily from seven foreign nations was “plainly constitutional” and in the country’s national security interest, but an attorney for the state of Washington urged a […]


February 7, 2017

Political Stories – Top stories If Trump does try to take away California’s federal dollars, he faces a rough time — Serious legal, political and practical obstacles impede President Donald Trump’s threat to withhold federal funds from the state of California or its cities if they declare themselves sanctuaries for immigrants. Not that that will stop the […]


February 6, 2017

Political Stories Top stories Trump’s stormy start doesn’t rattle San Joaquin Valley — President Trump’s first actions in the White House, from ordering up a border wall and banning refugees to fixating on crowd sizes and attacking “Saturday Night Live” on Twitter, have drawn howls of protest across much of California. But here in the state’s […]