
October 15, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Why Silicon Valley is pouring money into efforts to repeal California’s death penalty – As voters weigh two dueling death penalty measures on the Nov. 8 ballot, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into the effort to end executions in California, saying they want to see the practice abolished both in […]


October 14, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Dan Walters: New California law restricting ammunition sales sparks buying frenzy — Now, with one new ammunition law on the books and another on the ballot and likely to pass, sales of cartridges are also exploding. Firearms dealers, even such chains as Big 5 Sporting Goods, and online sellers are offering bulk […]


October 13, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Why are there two plastic bag ban propositions on the California ballot? — The most straightforward is Proposition 67, a referendum asking voters to either vote yes to preserve the law or no to reject the statute, which bans disposable plastic bags and lets grocers charge customers 10 cents for paper bags or more durable reusable plastic bags.  […]


October 12, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Gov. Jerry Brown contemplates second chances in backing prison-reform measure — In 1976, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law ending an era in which California prison inmates received open-ended sentences, earning their release by convincing corrections officials that they had reformed their lives. The action shifted the state to definite sentences […]


October 11, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories More than $340 million raised by California proposition campaigns — Campaigns for and against the 17 propositions on California’s November ballot are closing in on $400 million in total contributions. Through Sunday, the committees had reported receiving about $345 million from donors, according to state filings. Sacramento Bee article  CD 21: Huerta’s challenge climbing […]


Valley Voters: Who Are They?/ California 2016 Election Special

Guests: Paul Hurley, former editorial page editor of the Visalia Times Delta; Lisa Bryant, a political science professor at California State University Fresno; James Burger, government reporter for the Bakersfield Californian; and John Ellis, political reporter for the Fresno Bee / John Meyers, reporter of the LA Times and Dan Walters, Reporter of the Sacramento […]


October 10, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Dan Walters: Two county redistricting reform bills move in opposite directions — Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 1108 on Sept. 28, allowing counties and cities without charters to appoint independent commissions to adjust the boundaries of governing board districts after every federal census. Walters column in Sacramento Bee If Prop 55 passes, the state budget […]


October 9, 2016

Political Stories Top stories   John Myers: Political Roadmap: Don’t expect big changes if Democrats win a Sacramento supermajority on Nov. 8 –Let’s play out the “what if” game: What could Democrats do with a supermajority of seats in the Legislature? In truth, it’s probably more bragging rights than brawn. Myers in LA Times Dan Walters: Election will test California voters’ attitudes on new bonded debt — we Californians have placed […]


October 8, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Environmental nuisance or grocery-store necessity? California voters to decide fate of plastic bags – Two years ago, Gov. Jerry Brown foreshadowed the beginning of the end for plastic bags in California. “We’re the first to ban these bags, and we won’t be the last,” Brown wrote as he signed Senate Bill 270, outlawing […]


October 7, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories Ballot admission price: $48 million — It’s like a poker game: If you want to play, you have to ante up. And this year, the ante for Nov. 8 was nearly $48 million. That’s how much the rival interests for 15 initiatives paid to get on the ballot. Capitol Weekly article Barely half of illegal […]