
February 4, 2016

Political Stories Top stories California revenue dips, possible sign of ‘revenue deterioration’ to come — It’s been a heady ride for California finances in recent years, with budget revenue outpacing estimates by billions of dollars, buoyed along by the state’s healthy economic growth in 2015. Could that trend be coming to an end? Preliminary tax revenue for […]


February 2, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Costa, Valadao pile up congressional campaign cash; opponents lag – Incumbent congressmen Jim Costa and David Valadao are totally dominating their respective races in fundraising, newly released campaign finance reports show. It’s not even close between them and their challengers. Fresno Bee article California doctors’ lobbying group formally backs marijuana legalization — California Medical […]


January 27, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  It’s back to the negotiating table for transportation funding, threat of cuts – When the California Transportation Commission said last week that it planned to sharply reduce funding for transportation projects due to declining gas tax revenue, the resulting publicity served to reinforce Gov. Jerry Brown’s appeal for new taxes and fees […]


January 25, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Dan Walters: Big budget issue for California is whether to spend or save money — The single most important factor in writing a new state budget is determining how much money there is to spend. It’s not an easy calculation under any circumstances, because it involves forecasting – or guessing – how […]


January 24, 2016

Political Stories Top stories CD 21: House hopeful keeping national party at arm’s length – for now — The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has had a rough couple of election cycles against Congressman David Valadao. So there’s a big question in local Democratic circles about what role it will play in this year’s contest. Democratic candidate […]


January 23, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Fresno County growers claim ‘arbitrary legislative targeting’ in late-session bill — In a lawsuit challenging a multimillion dollar farm labor deal struck by Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature last year, two Fresno County growers said Friday that they were illegally carved out of the agreement. Sacramento Bee article Cellphone encryption bill pits […]


January 22, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Jerry Brown charts cautious course in State of the State address — Gov. Jerry Brown, charting a cautious course in his State of the State address, warned Thursday of a future economic downturn and urged lawmakers to restrain spending despite state budget surpluses. Sacramento Bee article; LA Times article; San Francisco Chronicle article; AP article; KQED report; ‘Jerry […]


January 20, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Backers of $15 minimum wage submit signatures to get on ballot – Supporters of a $15-an-hour state minimum wage submitted signatures Tuesday to qualify the measure for the November ballot, setting the state for a contentious fight between labor and business groups. San Francisco Chronicle article  Dan Walters: California’s big benefit debt load […]


January 18, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Dan Walters: California has big money, hot politics in poverty — Given the huge number of poor Californians, the politics of poverty are likely to become even more contentious. But so far, at least, politicians have focused on its effects, rather than causes, and have been reluctant to address its deeper issues, […]


January 17, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Amount of lobbying done in shadows is growing, California ethics officials agree — Top state ethics officials have agreed that weak laws allow oil companies, labor groups and other special interests to conceal how they spend much of their money trying to influence state government, and that the amount of lobbying in […]