
July 31, 2016

Political Stories Top stories California initiative draws fire for opening door to TV ads that promote pot smoking — Nearly a half-century after tobacco ads were kicked off television in the United States, an initiative in California would take a first step toward allowing TV commercials that promote a different kind of smoking — marijuana. LA Times article  […]


July 30, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Jerry Brown offers 12 percent pay raises (over 4 years) to SEIU Local 1000 — The state has offered a nearly 12 percent general salary increase for SEIU Local 1000 employees spread out over four years, or a 9 percent increase over three years. Sacramento Bee article Two conventions, one vast gulf: Republicans […]


July 29, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Dan Walters: Business-opposed ‘job killer’ bills will face final test next month — When the Legislature reconvenes next week for the final month of its biennial session, it will decide the fate of hundreds of bills ranging from game-changing to trivial. One question it will answer is whether the California Chamber of […]


July 28, 2016

Political Stories Top stories California millennials surging: Their votes could be decisive – especially on marijuana — As they come of age and register to vote, Millennials—that enormous generation born since 1981—are surging so fast they’re on the verge of overtaking the Baby Boomer behemoth as a share of the California electorate. And new evidence confirms […]


July 27, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  California officials take sides on November ballot initiatives — Some prominent California figures solidified their stances on ballot initiatives on Thursday, while others remained quiet. On Tuesday, the California Secretary of State released its preliminary voter guide that will ultimately be mailed to all voting households. It included signed statements from each side of […]


July 26, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  California’s small solution to the housing crisis: Small houses – To help ease California’s housing crisis, Gov. Jerry Brown and state lawmakers are turning to people’s backyards. Multiple bills with the endorsement of Brown are moving through the Legislature to make it easier for homeowners to build small units on their properties, whether in their […]


July 25, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Dan Walters: Would extending California income tax hikes cause rich to leave? — Would making higher rates at least semi-permanent do what the temporary taxes apparently did not do – spur the wealthy to flee California in serious numbers? It’s a question that no one can answer – yet. Walters column in Sacramento […]


July 24, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Dan Walters: Politicians ignore long-term effects as they seek instant payoff – Michael Fitzgerald laid Stockton’s budget-busting library decision on Mayor Anthony Silva, who is facing a tough re-election this year. “We have had enough talk and heard enough excuses,” Silva said as he pushed for reopening the library. “It’s time to move […]


July 23, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  As California Democrats party in Philly, state’s head teacher poised to lead Golden State — In a chain of events straight out of an episode of “The West Wing,” State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson is poised to take the helm as acting governor at some point in the next week […]


July 22, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  FPPC approves regulation change aimed at ‘shadow lobbyists’ – California’s political watchdog approved a regulatory change Thursday aimed at encouraging shadow lobbyists to disclose their efforts to influence legislation. Sacramento Bee article  Campaign cash: A journey through the Cal-Access labyrinth — When California introduced its Cal-Access campaign finance website, “There was nothing like it […]