
Legislative Intern Scholar Program

The Kenneth L. Maddy Legislative Intern Scholar Program Each year approximately 40 University students are selected as Legislative Scholar-Interns.  Legislative Scholar-Interns are placed on assignment in regional government offices, as well as in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. The Legislative Internship Program provides students with opportunities to develop public leadership skills while gaining practical knowledge of […]


September 27, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories California income tax has wide lead, fewer back $2-a-pack tobacco tax increase — California’s likely voters solidly support a fall initiative to extend higher income taxes on top earners, while a separate proposal to boost state taxes on tobacco is clinging to a majority vote, according to a new survey released Monday. Sacramento […]


September 26, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Dan Walters: Tax boosts that target the powerless — A November ballot measure, Proposition 55, would extend that dangerous dependency on the rich for another 12 years, and its strong lead in the polls is a testament to the cynical validity of Brown’s observation about voters’ willingness to approve taxes that they […]


September 25, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  Dan Walters: U.S. Senate candidates Harris and Sanchez putting voters to sleep — Ordinarily, an open Senate seat in the nation’s most populous state would draw big-time attention from politicians, the media and voters. But so far, it’s been the antithesis of exciting, or even interesting. Walters column in Sacramento Bee Fresno mayor […]


September 24, 2016

Political Stories – Top stories California drug price initiative leads early in poll, but many still undecided – A California initiative to impose price controls on state drug purchases heads into the fall campaign with support from a majority of likely voters, though more than a third have yet to make up their minds, according to a […]


September 23, 2016

Political Stories  Top stories Poll shows California move to legalize pot has broad voter support – Two decades after California became the first state to legalize medical marijuana, voters now overwhelmingly support an initiative to legitimize the drug for recreational use, according to a poll released late Thursday. Proposition 64, the well-funded initiative to allow those […]


September 22, 2016

Political Stories Top stories  What can be wrong at Yosemite? Lawmakers want to know — The National Park Service could be in for a rough day Thursday, as officials from Yosemite and Grand Canyon are scheduled to testify at a congressional hearing on alleged mismanagement in the agency. McClatchy Newspapers article  Poll shows voters like […]


September 21, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Lawmakers collect thousands on top of salary while absent — California lawmakers are compensated for their cost of living and eating away from their homes when they travel to Sacramento to write and pass bills, in addition to their six-figure salaries and benefits. Unlike many states, however, California has loosely worded rules […]


September 20, 2016

Political Stories Top stories That encyclopedia in your mailbox is a voter guide — If you’re planning on casting an informed vote in November, you’ve got some homework to do. Official state voter guides have started landing in mailboxes, though given the weight of a tome that spans 17 different ballot initiatives “voter guide” seems like a bit […]


September 19, 2016

Political Stories Top stories Dan Walters: Sneakiness abounded on last night of California Legislature’s session — The last night of the Legislature’s biennial session on Aug. 31 was, as usual, a hectic free-for-all. Walters column in Sacramento Bee How a California pension deal went wrong and cost taxpayers million — This year, state employee pensions will cost taxpayers […]