
September 15, 2015

Political Stories Top stories Education groups propose initiative to extend Prop 30 income taxes until 2030 — With California’s Proposition 30 income tax hikes expiring in 2018, a coalition of education and other groups on Monday filed an initiative for next year’s ballot to temporarily extend those taxes on some of the wealthiest residents. Sacramento Bee article; Capital […]


September 14, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu! Political Stories Top stories  Federal candidates seek ways to tap state campaign stockpiles — Henry T. Perea is facing the end of his term-limited time in the California state Assembly with $900,000 stashed in his […]


September 13, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu! Political Stories Top stories  The inside story of how power struggles doomed Jerry Brown’s top priority — One of Gov. Jerry Brown’s most ambitious environmental goals was hanging in the balance when two powerful California […]


September 12, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu! Political Stories Top stories Assisted suicide bill heads to Jerry Brown – Dan Diaz, whose wife brought national attention to the physician-assisted death movement before dying last year, stood at the back of Senate chambers […]


September 11, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu! Political Stories Top stories  John Myers: Ethics bills, exit exams and vaccines: Lawmakers march toward Friday deadline — With Friday’s deadline looming for the California Legislature, lawmakers worked Thursday to get through hundreds of still-pending […]


September 10, 2015

Political Stories Top stories Why the big Latino voting block is nowhere near as large as it could be –  By all accounts, the Central Valley is a place where Latino candidates should win elections. Latino political activism here dates back to the farmworker movement of the 1960s. In one congressional district that stretches up […]


September 9, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu!  Political Stories Top stories Governor, top lawmakers ready to modify climate change measure as negotiations continue — Gov. Jerry Brown and legislative leaders have outlined potential changes to controversial climate change legislation, such as modifying […]


September 8, 2015

Political Stories Top stories Final rush of legislating follows Labor Day events – Four days remain before Friday’s midnight legislative deadline. Hundreds of bills await floor votes; lobbying is intense on multiple measures; and three of the Legislature’s four caucuses have picked new leaders or leaders-elect in recent days, possibly injecting a new dynamic into […]


September 7, 2015

Political Stories Top stories Dan Walters: Unions are strong in California now, but face peril — It appears that unions are pushing their agendas more vigorously than usual this year, and dozens of other union-backed bills are certain to reach Brown, who has a seesaw relationship with labor leaders. Perhaps the intensity has something to […]


September 6, 2015

Political Stories Top stories Dan Walters: California shows class bias in green subsidies — Obviously, those who can afford Teslas are a very small portion of the state’s residents. Obviously, too, the $10,000 rebates may not be major factors in their decisions to buy. But it illustrates a dirty little secret of the wide array […]