
June 26, 2015

Political Briefs Top stories House Republicans revive California water wish list — House Republicans are swinging for the fences with an ambitious new, but familiar, California water bill introduced Thursday. After whiffing last Congress when Democrats controlled the Senate, GOP lawmakers are hoping the political climate is more congenial for their 170-page package that once again includes […]


June 25, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Jerry Brown signs $115.4 billion general fund budget — Gov. Jerry Brown on Wednesday signed the $115.4 billion general fund budget that he and lawmakers agreed to last week, issuing […]


June 24, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Kamala Harris can block gay murder initiative, court rules — California Attorney General Kamala Harris does not need to advance a widely reviled ballot initiative authorizing the murder of homosexuals, […]


June 23, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Perea has options after Assembly career ends — Just where, exactly, is Assembly Member Henry T. Perea headed? This isn’t a short-term musing. It’s pondering the big picture for the […]


June 22, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  George Skelton: Brown gets cranking on highways and healthcare — Gov. Jerry Brown finally is kicking it in gear on California highways. For years — going back to his first […]


June 21, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Dan Walters: School reserves law entangled in California politics — Sir Walter Scott’s famous aphorism, “Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive,” is particularly […]


June 20, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  This time for real: Legislature passes (another) budget – Three days after Gov. Jerry Brown and legislative leaders reached agreement on a $115.4 billion general fund state spending plan, lawmakers […]


June 19, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  CEQA exemptions for water projects inserted into budget bill — Some drought-related groundwater and water recycling projects would gain exemptions from the California Environmental Quality Act under late-emerging legislation at […]


June 18, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  U.S. House Democrats float new California water bill — California water bills continue to fill the Capitol Hill hopper, and now one comes with a new twist. It’s crowd-sourcing drought […]


June 17, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  State budget deal struck, Gov. Brown concedes little — Calling the negotiations “difficult but productive,” Gov. Jerry Brown and Democratic legislative leaders have unveiled a $167.6 billion state budget, a […]