
July 6, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories Dan Walters: Politics, self-interest infest construction of California schools — One might think that school construction would be about as simple and straightforward as anything government does. However, like any […]


July 5, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories San Francisco killing sparks national outrage, likely political fallout — The barrage of outraged tweets from GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump decrying the shocking San Francisco slaying of 32-year old […]


July 4, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories San Francisco slaying raises questions about ‘sanctuary’ for detained immigrants — Five times, the man accused of killing former Pleasanton resident Kate Steinle was deported to Mexico. Five times he […]


July 3, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  State revenue now hundreds of millions higher than budget estimates — New numbers from the Legislative Analyst’s Office, reflecting the latest data from the Franchise Tax Board, show that the state took […]


July 2, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Early state candidate fundraising grows in popularity — On Monday, state Assembly hopeful Joaquin Arambula sent out a fundraising plea to supporters, looking to collect a final $10,000 in contributions […]


July 1, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Jerry Brown signs California vaccine bill — Gov. Jerry Brown on Tuesday signed one of the strictest schoolchild vaccination laws in the country, eliminating personal and religious belief exemptions for […]


June 30, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Supreme Court ruling spares Valley potential political turmoil – The Supreme Court on Monday upheld an independent redistricting commission approved more than a decade ago by Arizona voters — and […]


June 29, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Tough vaccination bill expected to pass California Legislature – The California Legislature on Monday is expected to pass a bill requiring mandatory vaccinations for children, moving to end exemptions from […]


June 28, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Dan Walters: Governor has two big wishes — Jerry Brown has a vision, or a hope, or perhaps just a fingers-crossed wish. It is that when he finally departs from […]


June 27, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Gay marriage ruling reflects culture shift long felt in California – Folded into Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent of the Supreme Court’s affirmation of gay marriage across the United States on […]