
July 17, 2015

Political Briefs Top stories  California drought bill roils Capitol Hill waters – A Republican-drafted California water bill approved by the House of Representatives on Thursday now faces a serious test in the Senate and beyond. McClatchy Newspapers article; LA Times article; AP article; KVPR report; ‘Reaction to House passage of Valadao drought bill’ in Hanford […]


July 16, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories House GOP’s water bill still a long way from port — Four years into California’s latest devastating drought, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives on Thursday will pass another catch-all water […]


July 15, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories Opponents of new California vaccination law begin referendum drive — Opponents of a new California law mandating vaccinations for more children were cleared by the state Tuesday to begin collecting […]


July 14, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Study charts lower voter turnout by California’s Latinos, Asians — A major reason for California’s record-low voter turnout last year was the extremely low rate of voting by the state’s […]


July 13, 2015

Political Briefs Top stories  California legislation would allow work permits for farmworkers here illegally – Frustrated by Washington’s inaction on immigration issues, California lawmakers are considering a measure to allow work permits for farmworkers living in the country illegally. LA Times article  Union says initiative allows future pension cuts — A union coalition contends that […]


July 12, 2015

Political Briefs Top stories  Ballot measure threatens California water tunnels plan — In recent months, signature gatherers paid by Dean Cortopassi, a wealthy Stockton-area farmer and food processor, have started circulating an initiative to force large public works projects – Brown’s tunnels included – to go before voters for approval. The measure is expected to […]


July 11, 2015

Political Briefs Top stories  Governor’s finance office opposes bill raising minimum wage in California — Citing significant new costs to the state and a negative effect on businesses, the Brown administration’s Finance Department is opposing a bill that would raise California’s $9 minimum wage to $11 an hour on Jan. 1 and boost it again […]


July 9, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Despite population milestone, Latinos still lag in California politics — Latinos’ emergence as California’s largest ethnic group is casting new light on an enduring paradox: Many do not vote, limiting […]


July 8, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  California water bill likely to pass U.S. House, then lose steam — An ambitious California water bill will pass a key House committee this week and soon will sail through […]


July 7, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories California right-to-die bill struggling before key vote – A bill that would allow California physicians to help terminally ill patients end their lives is struggling to muster enough support ahead […]