
July 27, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Dan Walters: Anti-carbon crusade clouded with uncertainties – It’s a reminder that Brown and others are prodding the state into a somewhat mysterious realm, with policies whose impact on 39 […]


July 26, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories  Dan Walters: Pushing for voter input on big issues is brilliant strategy — Polling has consistently shown that Californians like having the power to vote on big issues. That preference […]


July 25, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories Advocates for California disabled face uphill quest for more money — Rate freezes imposed as the state slid into recession, combined with inflation and minimum-wage hikes, advocates say, have hollowed […]


July 24, 2015

Political Briefs Top stories Childhood-welfare agency worries proposed cigarette tax increase would reduce funding – Officials at a state childhood-welfare agency funded mostly through state cigarette taxes expressed concern Thursday that proposed legislation for a $2-a-pack tax increase could ultimately cause funding to drop. The agency, First 5 California, already is searching for new sources […]


July 23, 2015

Political Briefs Top stories Most undocumented immigrants will stay under Obama’s new policies, report says – Under new immigration enforcement programs the Obama administration is putting in place across the country, the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants — up to 87 percent — would not be the focus of deportation operations and would have “a […]


July 22, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories Report: Pot legalization in California presents trade-offs — A blue-ribbon panel says curtailing the illegal marijuana market in California should be the primary goal of legalizing the drug’s recreational use in […]


July 21, 2015

Receive the Maddy Daily in your inbox every morning! To subscribe or unsubscribe, please send an email to Ana Melendez at ajovelmelendez@csufresno.edu Political Briefs Top stories Dan Walters: Union bills proliferate in Capitol – Unions are the largest single source of legislative campaign funds, a recent Sacramento Bee compilation revealed, and among Democrats, their hegemony is even […]


July 20, 2015

Political Briefs Top stories Amanda Renteria, Hillary Clinton’s political director, brings key lessons for her own (losing) campaign – The most prized credential of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s political director may not be her connections on Capitol Hill, her experience courting the crucial Latino vote or the diversity she brings as the child of a Mexican […]


July 19, 2015

Political Briefs Top stories On climate, a rough road ahead for California — Nearly a decade ago, California policymakers, facing a frightening future of shriveling snow packs and rising seas, created the nation’s most aggressive program to combat global warming. The 2006 law mandated broad reductions of greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. Now, as the […]


July 18, 2015

Political Briefs Top stories Over half of new California driver’s licenses go to undocumented immigrants — More than half of the driver’s licenses California has issued in 2015 have gone to residents living in the country illegally, reflecting the popularity of a new law extending licenses to people regardless of residency status. Sacramento Bee article; […]