
Tea Party: Are Reports of its Demise Premature?

After President Obama’s inauguration and Rick Santelli’s infamous rant on CNBC in February of 2009, disgruntled conservatives began raucous protests in opposition to bank bailouts, taxes, and what they perceived as the over-intrusiveness of the federal government. The tea party surge helped the GOP take back control of the HOuse in 2010 midterm elections. However, […]


The May 2012 Revise: Oops, They Did It Again!

In January, Gov. Brown projected a $9.2 billion shortfall in the State Budget. When the May Revise, capturing April’s tax receipts, came out, however, voters were told projected deficit has swelled to $5.2 billion. The dilemma has become a familiar pattern in California, where the state relies heavily on income taxes that go up and […]